Helen Sommers Building
The Helen Sommers Building is the result of the construction project called the 1063 Block Replacement Project.

- Washington State Patrol (WSP)
- Office of Financial Management (OFM)
- Results Washington
- Office of the State Treasurer (OST)
- Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee (LEAP)
- Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC)
- Legislative Service Center (LEG-TECH)
106 11th Ave. SW
Olympia, WA 98501
- For building visitors: Use the visitor parking on the North Diagonal. Parking requires a fee weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but is free on evenings and weekends.
- For building tenants.
- Commute Trip Reduction and parking information
Building Maintenance & Operations (for tenants)
Building project information:
The project to construct the building was known as the 1063 Block Replacement Project. It was initiated by the 2013 Legislature. The five-story, approximately 234,000-square-foot office building replaces a state owned-building. It is the first new office building on the historic west Capitol Campus in many years, and provides a transitional gateway from the City of Olympia to the Capitol Campus. The building was completed in the fall of 2017. Tenants moved in through early 2018.